Monday, March 4, 2013

HW7 P1 b plot questions

I have the following questions setting up spice plots:

1.  What is the syntax which causes spice to generate three plots on a single figure where the first plot employs Vd = x, R1 = xx, second employs Vd = y, R1 = yy, and the third employs Vd = z, R1 = zz?

I tried:
.param Vd = {Vd}
.step PARAM Vd LIST x y z

.param R1 =  {R1}
.step PARAM R1 LIST 1 2 3

but I don't see multiple plots

2.  How does one remove the black back-ground in the splice plots?

Thank you,

1 comment:

  1. CD,
    1) The braces {} should enclose the element name, they aren't used in the .param directive. Example, if you want to step the load resistance from 1 to 3 Ohms, then replace the resistor value with {name}, where 'name' is the designator of your choice. Then use a command like:
    .step PARAM name LIST 1 2 3
    2) In LTspice drop-down bar, go to tools -> color preferences.
    - KT


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