Monday, January 28, 2013

Can't figure out how to use getSSM

I have had absolutely no success trying to use the getSSM library function.  I did see the "algebraic loop" error Colin mentioned - it was buried in a host of other errors.  I tried to back up and start simply: 
* I made sure I had linearization I/O points defined in the syncbuck_OL model and ran the bodeplotter on the model with success. 
* This left "ssm" defined in the workspace, so I ran >>salient(ssm) and got results consistent with the bode plot.
* However >>ssm = getSSM(syncbuck_OL) produced 3 error messages, probably all related to the first message:
"Error using linearize.ModelLinearizationParamMgr.getInstance (line 63)
Unexpected error. The getInstance method requires a model name argument."
Somehow a model name is missing??
Can anyone point me to some tutorial examples using this function?  This class is my first experience with MATLAB.  With such a fundamental level of failure, I have no idea where to start...


  1. The argument of getSSM is the **name** of the model, so: getSSM('syncbuck_OL')

  2. Ouch... But thank you so much for the speedy reply!


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